Weekend Girl Accepted!


Hello all!

I just signed the contract for the publication of Weekend Girl with Ninestar Press! This news comes just a week or so after I received word that one of the editors was also interested in Far Patrol.

I am really happy that this novel will get published because it’s my first novel with a trans protagonist. My main character Ash is genderfluid and uses they/their pronouns. I’ve been wanting to publish a full-length novel with a trans protagonist for a while now, so it’s finally happening!

This novel has a completely different feeling from Far Patrol. Weekend Girl is meant to be mostly light-hearted, a romantic comedy for the trans community. Ash is a student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. They meet their love interest Nolan in a rather unorthodox way, and the fun continues thereafter.

This is also one of the first characters I’ve developed who has a mental health diagnosis. Ash has anxiety, and sometimes some of the scenes will reflect that. Some of Ash’s decisions are also influenced by their anxiety as well.

I really enjoyed writing this story, and I’m actually writing a sequel to this one in the hopes that readers will continue to be interested! That sequel is called “Not Your Average Lady” and continues with Ash and Nolan on their journey of life.

Thanks for tuning in!

Far Patrol Accepted!


Hello all,

I’m writing with exciting news. My novel Far Patrol has been accepted for publication by Ninestar Press!

As you can guess, this makes me very happy. It’s been a long time in coming to actually get this novel polished enough to actually be published. A lot of people read and commented in order for me to be able to revise the story, including my beta reader Siobhan Crosslin.

So, a little bit of a story here. I actually wrote this novel for NaNoWriMo in 2015 and won that year. This was no little feat particularly because I was in the hospital for three weeks of that month. I had no access to a computer at the time and wrote the entire thing in a notebook that my sister brought me. I then had to transcribe the entire thing in the space of a week in order to win that year.

Ever since that year, I’ve been trying to convince myself to work on it and to get it published. I’ve finally done it, and now I have the motivation I need to finish the rest of the series. I have two more novels planned in this arc. The second novel is tentatively titled “The Youngblood Society” and the last novel is titled “Dragonmage.” I have the second novel halfway written and need to finish it off.

The novel is a literary one more than romance. While the protagonist Ignius is LGBTQ+ (ace/aro/agender), they do not have a romance. Rather, they have a queerplatonic relationship with their bonded partner Kathely. This novel is largely political and delves into a question that has become very relevant in this time: how do you make the world better when the system is violent? How do you resist this system? What is the role of violence in any resistance put forth and how does it impact society? I hope it’s more thought-provoking than an escapist fantasy might be.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and that you have something to read and maybe something to write during this troubling time.

See you on the flip side.