2020 Vision


Hello everyone!

It’s a new month, a new year, and a new decade. I have several projects in the works for writing, and I’m really excited to share them with you!

The first thing is that my novella Yaliana is finally going to be published. It was originally going to be published with Less Than Three Press. When they shut down, JMS Books agreed to publish Yaliana and take on the editing job as well as creating it a new cover. So without further ado, I’d like to unveil the new cover for Yaliana and also announce that the official release date is January 18, 2020. This is my first new publication in years, which I am glad to say is finally here.


I also have some news on the development of my other stories.

Weekend Girl is shaping up to be about 60 000 words long. I am currently about 2/3 of the way finished writing this novel. After I finish it, the novel will go out for beta reading. I’m hoping to wrap it up before the beginning of April.

Secondly, Far Patrol, my epic fantasy with dragons is out for beta already. I’d like to finish editing it and get it out for submission somewhere soon. Also, I am halfway done writing the second novel in the trilogy.

Lastly, I have a novella of about 25 000 words that I want to finish writing. It’s currently at 5000 words, but it will be a nice addition to my current works.

Those are my current projects. I hope to keep everyone apprised of how all those projects are shaping up. Apart from the ones I’ve already started writing, I have several stories planned for the future, so hopefully my writing hiatus is officially over.

Have a great year everyone!