Cyborg characters


I’m writing this blog post because in just a few days, my story Charmed by Chance is coming out in the GRNW charity anthology Magic and Mayhem.

The theme of the anthology was based off the character matching game from past GRNW meet-ups. The pairings for the stories in the anthology were to be either mage/cyborg or soldier/tattoo artist.

So, spoilers, but I chose the pairing of mage/cyborg.

The reason I wanted to talk about cyborg characters is that I find them very interesting. I’ve written characters with cybernetic enhancements before, but not exactly in this way. In this story, my character has a prosthetic arm which he finds himself without the use of as the plot moves forward.

It brings me to this: technically, a cyborg can be counted as a character with disabilities. I haven’t really written a disabled character before. My other character, who is technically a cyborg, is mostly cybernetically enhanced, and those enhancements are used in the line of duty. He doesn’t find himself without the use of his enhancements, and can’t really be separated from them anyway.

My character Merritt, on the other hand, does find himself without the abilities that the arm brought him. He’s back to the point at which he lost his arm in the first place, which shows that cyborgs can only count on their enhancements to a certain point.

I don’t think most people think of cyborg characters as disabled, because their enhancements are superior to the flesh and bone that humans are born with. The enhancements that they are given put some of their abilities ahead of a normal person’s. I think that people don’t like to think of a physically disabled person’s abilities as superior to a person without them.

I tried to explore the idea of characters with cybernetic enhancements in sync with a character with a physical disability. I hope that I did it well in spite of the shortness of the story.

Any thoughts on cybernetic enhancements, cyborgs, or physical disabilities? Feel free to voice them in the comments!

In the rut


Hello all,

I’m here to talk about experiencing writer’s block! Woo hoo, fun times, am I right, all you writers out there?

I did write a post previously about writer’s block, and in that post, I encouraged everyone to continue writing in spite of the block. You can read it here.

Anyway, the point is, I told people to push through. I’ve been through a bit since then, and I’d like to update the post a bit.

First of all, I didn’t realize it then, but I was being a bit ableist at that point. Now, on the other side of a serious bout of depression, I know how hard it can be to write when you have no motivation to do anything at all. I also realize now that there are other mental disabilities that can also affect writing, as well as other things such as editing and getting a beta reader.

For those of you with both doctor diagnosed and self diagnosed illnesses, I hope you are feeling okay today.  If you’re self-diagnosed, I urge you to get yourself properly diagnosed and treated. I promise you, you’ll feel a lot better. Not perfect by any means, but better.

Secondly, I am experiencing writer’s block right now, and it’s so hard to keep motivated when you feel like everything you’re writing is absolute crap. I know in my head that it really isn’t crap, but I can’t help having the lingering doubt “What if it is?”

I’m still writing, very very slowly. Much more slowly than I would normally, and it’s making me feel less confident because it feels like I’m not making any progress. I’ve been keeping track obsessively of how many words I’ve been writing, and it’s not very much.

It’s very hard to keep telling yourself to keep going when all you want to do is throw in the towel. 

Some of the things I said in my past post were true. Writing is hard work, and sometimes it is boring to write some of the necessary scenes. But I do understand that it’s not easy, and at times even possible to write as much as you want, or at all.

Don’t despair, writing will return. It’s hard to be a writer and not write, but sometimes that is our reality. Keep trying to push forward, but if you can’t, don’t feel bad about it. Sometimes that’s just how it goes.

I wrote about 300 words today. It’s not much, but it’s still progress.

Charmed by Chance


Hello everyone!

I’m really excited, because my short story Charmed by Chance is coming out in September! September 6th, 2016 to be exact, for the Gay Romance Northwest charity anthology Magic and Mayhem, which can be preordered here.

Look, here’s the cover!



There are going to be seven other authors who wrote stories for the anthology, as well as essays from past conferences. The theme for the anthology was either the pairing of mage/cyborg or soldier/tattoo artist, which were the character match pairings from previous years at the GRNW meet-up. It should be a great anthology. Here’s the line-up for the anthology:


“Broken Art,” by Dev Bentham
“Caroline’s Heart,” by Austin Chant
“Demonica,” by Megan Derr
“The Hollow History of Professor Perfectus,” by Ginn Hale
“Fade to Black,” by Josh Lanyon
“Charmed By Chance,” by Alex Powell
“Sun, Moon, and Stars,” by E.J. Russell
“Slack Tide,” by Karelia Stetz-Waters


“Romance for the Rest of Us,” by Jessica Blat
“Sad Queer Characters and the Revolution of Joy,” by Austin Chant
“Dear Rose,” by Rose Christo
“How to Get LGBT Romance Books Into Libraries” by Marlene Harris
“So What is “Character-Type Love Match” Anyway?” by Nicole Kimberling
“My Road to Romance,” by Susan Lee
“To My Future Self,” by E.E. Ottoman
“What I’ve Learned,” by Jordan Castillo Price
“Dear Len,” by Radclyffe
“A Letter to My Former Self,” by Rick R. Reed
“Five Things We Learned Running A Queer Romance Event (and the One Thing We Still Need to Do)” by Tracy Timmons-Gray

That’s all I wanted to announce! Have a good day everybody!

Winner for ATKM giveaway!


Hello everyone, I’d like to announce that the winner for the mini blog hop giveaway for a gift certificate to the Less Than Three Press book market and a signed copy of All the King’s Men is:

Shirley A.

Thank you to everyone for participating in the giveaway.

The blog hop stops, if anyone wants to check them out are as follows:

Joyfully Jay

My blog

Hearts on Fire

Love Bytes

Prism Book Alliance

Thanks for reading everyone, and have a good day!